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December Writing Prompt

Write a Christmas letter to someone no longer in your life

Bonni Rambatan
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2015


Hello again, and welcome to the second writing prompt from The Coffeelicious! It’s that time of year again, and what better way to get into the spirit of love and reflection than by writing those thoughts buried deep down?

Participating is very simple. Open by addressing your piece to the person, write your letter, and end it with a Christmas wish, just like the following:

Dear _____________,


Merry Christmas, ____________.

No further rules! Not sure how to start? Describe a Christmas scene that reminded you of them. You don’t have to, but this may get things going if you’re stuck.

To whom would you address the letter? A late beloved family member? An ex-fiance who left you? A best friend whom you had a falling out over a trivial thing some years ago? Your middle school crush, to whom you so wished you had the courage to talk back then?

Feel free to write facts or fiction. You may or may not tell us which one it is. Just pour your heart out and make it count! If that special someone is out there, it may very well be a chance for you to reconnect.

You can write however long you want, but ideally, you should keep it five paragraphs or less. When you’re done, don’t forget to submit it as a response to this post.

What Happens Next?

When we went 2.0, we told you we would be doing more exciting things. So here it is!

For two weeks, starting from December 21st to January 4th, we will pick one story per day to be posted under our publication and featured on our front page. Links to all fourteen top picks will be sent out in our New Year’s letter on January 5th to our 50K+ subscribers. Make sure you submit before the end of the year to be in the running, though!

So, what are you waiting for? Think of that special someone whom you no longer have in your life, and wish them a Merry Christmas.

Happy Writing! — The Coffeelicious Editorial Team



Bonni Rambatan
The Coffeelicious

Writings on pop culture, psychoanalysis, philosophy, and more. Co-author of “Event Horizon: Sexuality, Politics, Online Culture, and the Limits of Capitalism”.