Do you eat but remain hungry?

Gregg Williams, MFT
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2016


Various forms of Buddhism speak of hungry ghosts.

These are the souls of the dead that are unable to leave the land of the living because of something bad that happened when they were alive.

Hungry ghosts are continually eating the only food they can find, which is human food. But they are no longer alive, and the food does them no good. To them, human food is like ashes.

Hungry ghosts are always consuming but are never satisfied.

I know that I need to watch out for the hungry ghost in me.

These are the questions I must ask:

What truly nourishes me?

What do I want to eat that always leaves me wanting more?

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Gregg Williams, MFT
The Coffeelicious

Retired therapist. Married 28 years. Loves board games, serious movies. Very curious about many things. Over 13,700 people are following my articles.