Faces Down

Ernio Hernandez
The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readOct 3, 2016

a series of characters and art by Ernio Hernandez

It started with a simple drawing …

#facesdown art by EH

A tilted head, face askew.
Eyes closed, mouth too.

The person seemed peaceful,
the moment was quiet,
the possibilities felt endless,
I knew not who or why yet?

The canvas was at once blank and not. It was a start; a simple one. Something I could sketch out in a fury of fast scribbles or let the details linger for longer.

I filled in the blank faces every other day or so for two weeks. They all sat quietly, waiting for me to breathe further life into them.

Now they will be filled and become more than still life …

Over the course of October (coinciding with Inktober 2016), I will share them one by one. I’ll continue drawing, name them and add words that’ll let you in on little moments of their lives.

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