Credit: Unplash

Feeling Low Around Successful People Sucks.

Let’s Reverse-Engineer It

The Coffeelicious
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2016


Since you clicked on this article, most likely, once or twice, you’ve felt low and insignificant in the pressence of another human being.

Maybe you were intimidated by his or her achievements in life and this made you doubt yourself.

“Why am I still not where he/she is at?”

“I would probably never reach that level”

“Look at him/her…and I still haven’t even figured out myself…”

Now, in this article, I’m NOT going to give you the cure to your lack of confidence and self-worth.

Neither you will find the magic formula to shut off these doubts and be zen in every challenging situation.

Sorry, look for the formula on Google or around here. It’s quite simple actually, start typing “5 Ways To Overcome Anxiety…”

You can thank me later, life coaches.

Okay, let’s get serious

Let’s talk about what stands behind your insecurity.

What you can do about it.

And most importantly…what should be the INTENTION behind your approach to resolving this.

Tactics are shit. To really make it lasting, you gotta understand it first.

So here we go.

People Are DIfferent. People Are Good At Different Things

Credit: Unplash

The whole reason some people get intimidated by other people’s success is because they don’t fully get how these people got there.

Lost and discouraged, people often jump to conclusions.

“I will probably never get this good with my thing”.

“I’m making 1/3 of what this guy is making. This sucks.”

So what happens usually?

People start copying each other.

You see a guy who has a few written books and it’s currently a best-selling author on Amazon.

And all of a sudden, you jump in and start writing books.

Even though writing was never been something you really enjoyed.
Or good at.

But you do it anyway. Because “the other guy did it this way”.

Or maybe you see someone, who is making good cash from selling stuff online. You jump in and open your e-commerce store.

Even though you’ve always been into arts and you enjoy creating things.
But fuck that..this guy is making money this way, so should you!

So you’re insecurely jumping here and there. You’re often failing.

Of course you will feel low and insignifiact around successful people.

Whenever you see someone who is good at his thing, just know they first they calmed down, then invested time and worked deliberately on their craft

And you? You just tried 20 different online businesses.

Stop neglecting what’s within you.

It All Comes Down To Self-Awareness

Self-aware cat is self-aware

Feeling low and insignificant and sad is good. It makes you a beginner again.

So make a good use of that. Start asking yourself questions. Deep down, you really know what interests you. You really know what you’ve always been naturally good at. Identify it.

Identify in what field you have an unfair, natural advantage over other people. And just start executing there.

You might never get as good as the guy who is a best-selling author on Amazon. You might never sell as many items as the e-commerce guy. But they might never get as good as you are at drawing comics, combined.

This is the key to overcoming your feeling of insignificance around other people

The next party or networking event you’re at, bring your self-awareness. Know who you are and what you’re good at.

Next guy who intimidates you, identify what he’s good at. If he’s good at a different field, learn from him.

If he’s in the same field you are at, ask a lot of questions. Get to know that person. Identify his weaknesses and where he might be vulnarable.

Then work on being better than him at these weak spots. While keeping the strong competition on the skills you both are good at.

Competitiveness is good. It’s better to compete and lose, than to bitch down and cry before you even tried.

If I can summarize this whole article, I would say:

Stay true to yourself and double down on what you feel like you have an unfair advantage over others. You can’t feel low when you’re self-aware and know you’re daily improving your craft.

Did you like it? Share a piece of your heart then, it would mean the world to me!



The Coffeelicious

I just curiously explore topics and present them to the people, so we can form a meaningful conversation.