Happy Birthday to Me: My Quiet & Persistent Dream

Kirsten Shaw
The Coffeelicious


Happy birthday to me! 30th birthday, that is. As a gift to myself, I’m doing something I should have done a long time ago: launching this service.

I’ve heard that one’s 30s are the decade of not giving a $#*&. I’ve also heard that it’s the time to start being yourself. So what better time to share something that’s been on my heart since 2012? I kept this dream secret for four years because it didn’t fit my business plan. It was less flashy, more risky, less profiting and more vulnerable than the boutique marketing agency I had in mind. But the longer I ignored my inkling of a dream, the more pronounced the signs became that something was wrong. Client deals gone awry; mysterious physical ailments; general malaise. I dipped a toe in my secret dream, incorporating pieces of it into work I was already doing. You see, I recognized that most people coming to me for “marketing” really needed something deeper. I just didn’t trust myself enough to say it.

In fact, I spent years putting trust in the wrong place: fear. I believed everything from the voice in my head (your audience can’t afford it, you’re the blind leading the blind, who do you think you are to have fun AND make money, the list goes on). The thoughts were too painful to look in the eye so I shoved my dream deeper into the closet, hoping the dark would snuff it out.

The dream found its way into my life anyway. It snuck under the door, seeped into my subconscious and found dramatic ways to get my attention. I was finally so miserable in my career that I blew it all up, took a year to slow down, practice yoga, do a weeklong silent retreat, and hire my first business coach.

I’ve been working with Zoe Wild over the past six months to clarify my own vision, what’s in the way and how to show up in the world as my authentic self. The changes have been tangible:

  • I went from talking about writing a book for one year to writing the first draft in 30 days
  • I found clarity in my ever-elusive “life purpose” and business vision
  • My mysterious stomach problems went away
  • There are also reports that I look “alive” and “happy” and that my “whole energy has changed.” You decide.

So here we are, my 30th birthday, my quiet and persistent dream. I did a super secret soft launch before the holidays and got great feedback to cater this program to the needs of real people. You may have seen my New Years Special that gave me the chance to work with three amazing creative, smart women to plan their best year yet. In the process, I’ve been through the whole roller coaster of inflated ego and crippling self-doubt and wanting to hide under a rock. Getting on the ground to DO THE WORK gave me an incredible gift: it confirmed that none of this is about me. It’s about the dreams of the people I want to help. Talented, intelligent, creative, industrious people that have so much to offer our world. And I believe every one of those dreams matters.

Here it is: the fruits of my labor. Check out the new service list here. Thank you to the mentors, coaches, friends and family that have supported me along the way.

P.S. First book coming soon.



Kirsten Shaw
The Coffeelicious

Strategic writing and coaching to help you define who you are, what you want and how to get there. http://kirsteninc.com | http://mysaltdaddy.com | @kirsteninc