Hate is an Alligator in the Sinkhole

The Hole Story

Sandy Knight
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2017


As much as I protest,

so naturally detest

your message,

your opinion

your blabbering jest,

your blithering bigotry,

withering asymmetry

who’d be aptly naive

to miss the gists?

As deeply as I reject

your presumptive ignorance,

insensitive blows and

gross intolerance,

as dearly as I’d like to

punch you hard in the snout

of your gaping pie hole

or jam my fingers
into your twittering nose holes,

I cannot allow myself

to be sucked down too,
to drown in the trough

of lowest swamp goo,

further on to and beyond

the ‘I can’t believe I hate the whole thing

emotional hangover hole

a sucking crevasse which waits

within me acknowledged or not

hating hate is still h-a-t-e


I’ve taken the bait on a plop

a fish on a spinner

flapping and twirling toward

the whole of war

entirely digested in one shot

centered on hate boring deep in the ground

a rabbit hole turned upside down

to yet another

‘hole in one’

playing out in the devil’s bonus round

take aim, The Golfer
who would putt us first and last
to the center of the sun

boring dry holes more to satisfy

thirsts of the past,
through a warp in space

words tunnel and burn

eject like a pinball

the most mindless among us

to that most barren place

then from nightmare’s wormhole

pray we be allowed

one day to return

to more than this simple hole

in hate’s holiest of place

filling with asphalt one such embarrassing

vacuum in space

© S Lynn Knight, 2017

