How to become a better writer

Nitin Dangwal
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2017


Writing is not easy.

Even after writing more than a hundred posts last year, I have realized that writing is not easy. It takes a lot of effort, hard work, consistency, and a commitment that tests our limits. And I’m not even talking about good writing, yet.

Unlike learning a bicycle, which when mastered stays with you throughout your life, the art of writing requires daily effort. It requires sharpening, every day, for the rest of your life.

Any creative endeavor is akin to that sword that gets rusted every day if not used. Use it daily and you’ll find yourself using it at ease. Playing with it as if it was an extension of your body. But, let it stay in some corner without use, you’ll find it getting rusted faster than you can comprehend. And once it gathers rust, it requires twice the effort to reach at a level at which it was earlier.

On the surface, it sounds easy. To sit and write, daily. Keep doing it, again and again, that’s what every writer preaches. It is easy to start this practice. Make a schedule, get a new diary and a pen. Clear the table off the gathered dust of no use. And you are ready. Doesn’t this sound easy?

But try to do it daily. For a week, for a month, and you’ll realize it is not easy. In fact, to be able to repeat an action again and again, without fail, is one of…



Nitin Dangwal
The Coffeelicious

Writing stories, poems and a little bit of everything about life