How To Have The Best Start To 2016

You can really keep your resolutions this year

The Coffeelicious


On January 1st every year, our lives are full of good intentions — from conversations at work to our social media feeds, one of the first questions on everybody’s lips is about New Year’s’ Resolutions. Everybody looks forward to the new year — a time of new beginnings and a chance to make the changes you want to make in life. A worldwide new leaf, where everybody gets a second chance.

However, research says that only 8% of people are successful in keeping their resolutions. The further we get from January, the more we return to old habits. This can lead to us making the same resolutions every year, in the hope that this year will be the one that sticks.

It’s time to take those resolutions and good intentions, and do something different with them. Here are some ways to ensure that you start 2016 off in the best way possible.

Write down your goals

It’s always helpful to have a record of what you hope to achieve. Writing things down can help you get a clear outline of what you want, to look back on it in six months time and see where you are. You can even put the goals on your desk, so that you can see them every day for a little motivation boost.

Think about the good things that happened last year

With all the talk of making improvements, it can be easy to forget the great bits of the year before. Make sure that you think about everything about the past year, both highs and lows. That can help you in your future, because you’ll know what worked out well for you, what made you happy and what you’d like to do again.

Find a ‘Resolution Buddy’

Whether you want to stop smoking, eat more kale, or try to keep your house tidier, it’s easier with a friend. They don’t have to be doing the same thing as you, but having somebody to motivate you when you can’t do it yourself will help keep you on the wagon. They can help you forgive yourself when you have a momentary lapse, and you can do the same for them. It’s also interesting to listen to the advice you give to others when they’re in the same position as you are. Sometimes, you know the answer without even knowing.

Be realistic and positive

The point of a New Years Resolution is to make you happier, so make sure that you’re helping yourself in this. Setting goals that are too high are a surefire way to make you feel like you have failed, even when you’ve made a lot of progress. Celebrate all of the steps you make, and don’t put yourself down if you slip up. It’s normal to go off track a little, but the most important thing is staying at it.

Vary your resolutions

The top ten resolutions are about losing weight, finding love, and bettering yourself. But it doesn’t always have to be about changing the things you might not like about yourself. Spending more time outside, or seeing your family more are still resolutions will improve your life without affecting your self esteem. Do what makes you feel good, whatever that may be.



The Coffeelicious

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