Stephen C. Rose
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2015


Somewhere east of west

Another addition to “Keats Walks Downstairs”

I have a secret weapon that I use

I have a secret weapon that I use

The reason that it’s secret is that no one knows but me

Whenever I need power as in say a new idea

I repair to myself and ask

A solution soon appears

It helps to be a writer or someone who draws or paints

and even better if one does it digital

For then one takes what it may be

straight to a drawing board

and lets new words and images create

what soon will be the precise solution

There are two causes of this failsafe intervention


only when one is within oneself

can this secret process be

The other is we narrow down

all options to what’s real

For anyone can only do

what they can do

There is a final caveat

that’s just as obvious

It’s now


or always now

and thus is


Now you might say this is all fake

no secret this

this fella’s full of it

Not so

If you’ve looked all over

for something outside you

you will do best returning

doing what you know

How simple that is

and how true

Stephen C. Rose has written a number of books (Fiction/Non-fiction). You can tweet him here.

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Stephen C. Rose
The Coffeelicious I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!