If Only……

Alisha “Priti” Kirpalani
The Coffeelicious


Make a chronology of prayers over the years. Things that meant so much at the point in time. Some things that would still mean as much. Were they answered?

Age 5 : If only my parents never die, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 7: If only I have a brother or sister, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 12: If only my pimples clear up, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 14 : If only that boy likes me back, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 16 : If only I pass this exam, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 23: If only he marries me, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 27: If only my baby is healthy and normal, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 30: If only my other baby is healthy and normal, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 34: If only my daughter gets into that school, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 37: If only my husband puts through that business deal, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 40: If only my father is fine after his heart bypass, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 42: If only my daughter gets into university, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 46: If only I get through my health issues, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 47: If only my daughter gets back on her feet after a long drawn illness, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 49: If only my book is appreciated by readers, I will never ask for anything else.

Age 50: If only my parents and husband have a long life ahead of them, my children have a secure future and my home has peace, harmony and good health, I will never ask for anything else.

I never stopped asking. I never stopped receiving. Each and every single prayer listed above, was granted. How many prayers of ours go unanswered? Very, very few. I have realised that we only lose the family and friends whose time has come. It hurt at the moment, terribly. In retrospect, I have lost family members whose longer life meant prolonged agony for them. I have lost relationships which ultimately proved to be less valuable than the immense importance I gave them.

I believe in a higher power who grants us the gifts we desperately desire so when things are taken from us, it is only to evolve and grow into better versions of ourselves.

Remind yourself to be grateful. When the bad times happen, remind yourself. This too shall pass. This too shall be overcome. You are blessed to have made it this far.

Alisha “Priti” Kirpalani is the author of “A Smattering Of Darkness: Short and Shorter Twisted Tales,” a collection of short stories of varying lengths encapsulating the grey shades of the human psyche. Her new novel will be released later this year.

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Alisha “Priti” Kirpalani
The Coffeelicious

Author- Ghosts in our Backyard — The Ramsays’ real-life encounters with the supernatural | HarperCollins || Out With Lanterns || A Smattering of Darkness