If This Had Happened 5 Years Ago

Marcie Smolin
The Coffeelicious
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2016

Before People Kept Walking Into Places With Guns

So yesterday I walked into my local convenience store to buy a healthy snack …

I got in line behind a handsome youngish man with close cropped blonde hair. He had the look of someone who had just finished a hard day…perhaps on a construction site. When I got in line he turned around and said…

Young Man: You Smell so Good.

Me: Thank you. Better than the alternative…

Young Man: Especially with what I am about to do next…

He did not smile…he had a really intense look in his eyes…

And then he reached into his pocket.

If This had been 5 years ago Before People kept walking into places with guns…

I would have assumed he was going to make some cute little gesture…or come up with a corny line to try to get my phone number. When he reached into his pocket I would have surely thought he was getting a pen…and I would have giggled in anticipation…and thought in my head “Hmm should I be a Cougar today (although it was 5 years ago…so a Cougar Cub)?”

But today…

My heart started pounding. I thought to myself “Oh my god Oh my god…is he reaching for a gun? What did he mean when he said …especially with what I am going to do next? What is that on his pocket? Is that a phone holster? What will he do if I reach for my phone? I want to text my Mommy and tell her I love her.

To the next part of the story

Seconds later the man behind me put his hand on my arm and calmly started moving me behind him. he was a mountain of a man. Older and larger with the kindest most steadfast eyes. He whispered in my ear “I’ve got you baby.”

If This had been 5 years ago Before People kept walking into places with guns…

Okay Yeah it’s a Twitter image…but come on the birds are winking. I have to lighten this story up somehow.

I would have thought to myself “Why is this man grabbing my arm. How forward of him. Boy this perfume I am wearing is really potent. I really am cute today. Should I be scared of that man behind me grabbing my arm?”

But Today…

I thought to myself “This man behind me is my hero. He is a strong kind mountain of a man and I just want to lean back into him and let him protect me from harm. I am so thankful he is here to keep me safe. What would I do without him in this moment…I shudder to think.”

Moving Forward

The Young Blonde Man bought a pack of cigarettes and a 6 pack of beer. Turned around and winked at me and said…”I am about to get real stinky. Keep smelling sweet Princess.” And he walked out of the door.

If This had been 5 years ago Before People kept walking into places with guns…

I would have been dissapointed that he my little flirt fantasy was over…and perhaps pondered if I still had it. I would really not have been very deep at all.

But today

I was grateful to be alive…

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