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Introducing The Crème of The Coffeelicious

Calling all writers — no scratch that.

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3 min readJun 19, 2016


Calling all Creatives.

Whether you are a writer or a creator on the Coffeelicious or not, you are invited to what we initially called a Super Group of Creators, but now we have a name for it — The Crème.

30 creatives will be a part of a team, pursuing dreams, thoughts, ideas, themes in a wide variety of formats, not limited to writing. Podcasts, music, comics, artwork, prose poem, fiction, spoken stories — we’re looking for every form of Medium available, maybe even creating a few new ones.

The Crème is a force of elite creatives producing art.

This team will be led by none other than Liz Lazzara, the Creative Director of Crème. We’ve been working closely with her for some time now, and her ideas have been marvelous.

The Crème is a part of the Coffeelicious, and will be leveraging the power of 98k+ (!!!) followers. It will have its own neat little section on our homepage, and the creatives of Crème will have far more creature comforts within the Coffeelicious (details of which will only be shared when you are part of the group *wink wink*).

We plan to keep the Crème subscription based once Medium takes its monetization plan out of beta. Until then, The Crème will find a way to fund itself via Kickstarter campaigns and Patreon, under the able leadership of Liz Lazzara.

The Coffeelicious has and will always accept a wide variety of writing, including new writers and young creatives. But to be a part of The Crème you have to be the best. Nothing else will do.

And, now, I’ll hand you over to Liz.

Want to be considered for The Crème?

Look at the photograph below. Tell me something about it.

Feel free to choose whatever medium speaks to you, be it fiction, non-fiction, poetry, visual art, spoken word, video, audio, any mix of the above, or anything I’ve left out.

If you can create it, I want you to submit it.

Make this your best work yet. There is plenty of time to submit a response, and I want only the most polished example of what you can do.

Now go and make something amazing.

Your Prompt


  1. Do not begin unless you intend to finish.

This group of thirty will be the cream of the crop and I will expect results that reflect this. Each piece you submit to The Crème will be subject to an editorial process that helps you up your game as a creator, regardless of your chosen medium.

That includes pitching, revisions (as many as it takes to get to your best), and a dedication to promoting your work across all social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube, etc.

I will work as hard as you do, but if you don’t want to operate at that level, don’t submit.

2. This will be a team of thirty top creators, so I want us to act like one. Promote others’ work as well as your own.

We succeed or fail together.

3. A bit of a technical thing, but if accepted, you’ll be invited to join a Slack group specifically for The Crème. Join by downloading the free app or using it in your web browser of choice.

I want us to communicate as a team and develop ideas as a team, so we need a space for us to chat as a team.

Submit your art as a response below.

Submissions will be accepted until July 4th at midnight EST.

Members of The Crème will be announced by submission title on July 31 on The Coffeelicious.

