Amoebic swishes

Is Medium Balkanized?

Stephen C. Rose
The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2015


How does Medium work? Near as I can tell, it works by recommendations. If you get recommendations, you get reads.

How do you get recommendations? Well, you need to get your writing into a publication. Doing that is not easy unless there is a clear access point — such as an email address where you can request admission as a writer. To me it evokes fraternities.

The independent writer seeking a bit of prominence is tempted climb from publication to publication according to the number who follow it. There may be other ways. Prominence might help. Some networking.


Access to publications becomes a sort of gold standard.

What about access to all of Medium?

I have no answer. I have never understood popularity online. Or success. Just slog along, say I. See it as a game. Don’t try to understand too much.

Stephen C. Rose has written a number of books(Fiction/Non-fiction). You can tweet him here.

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Stephen C. Rose
The Coffeelicious I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!