Is the Power of Promise Gone?

Ariel A. Tabaks
The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readJan 26, 2016

We gain simple skills at the edge of our beliefs. When we are looking to an open valley of emptiness, simplicity sneaks in. So here is one simple idea that is transforming my life.

I always believed, that promises are cheap. However, I have to point out a fact, that this understanding comes from broken beliefs. As we know, a lot of our beliefs come from broken stories that we once believed in.

But at the edge, there’s a different vision for promises. At the edge, the promises are expensive. In fact, they give you the power to fix someones attention. Hopes give emotions, expectations give guidance, but promises set a lock on attention.

In a simple design, one promise is enough to fuel attention for a long time. Absolutely expensive choice, but expensive stories are way better than cheap ones.

Here’s the takeaway:

  • Promises can be cheap or expensive. You choose.
  • Promises help to fix attention.



Ariel A. Tabaks
The Coffeelicious

Expectation management, expectation positioning. Fresh ideas from a 24 year old living in UK