Brandon Person
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2016
A light came on!

It has started to sink in. They are going to be adults not long from now.

The choice to continue in dysfunctionality unfortunately is not always as easy as some think, nor is it always black and white. Its often multi-generational.

My heart sinks and uncharacteristically of my numb thoughts and evil heart, sympathy and responsibility for “my kids” attacked my conscious today. And I couldn’t be more thankful. Let me clear that last declaration up a bit. These are “my kids” but only during 7 hours of a school day. After that they are someone else’s responsibility altogether. But the African proverb is more than right. “It takes a village to raise a child”

Let me be clear. This guy is NOT happy about the future I see before me, if things continue as they are. I know it is not the only future but I know that if I, if we don’t do something different very, very soon we are in a lot of serious trouble. Even massive beyond what we may picture in our own grids.

How do our kids view us? I mean what do they think an adult is? You can see it when they interact with each other and their world. If they think that life is just about eating junk food and consuming excessive amounts of unREALITY TV, whenever they feel, then what does that say about us? What does this say about me? What, Lord, have I shown them?

Photo credit: Mine

Guilt lingers somewhere just above the surface, but I wonder if it has sunk deep down enough to where it doesn’t just convict me but moves me to action and in turn I refuse to accept who they think an adult or what an adult is. Maturity is so much more than that. But what have we given them? Can they look back in thankfulness and gratitude for our example or will they turn around and look at us in disdain for what we DIDN’T teach them.

Unfortunately nothing soothes my conscience except knowing that I have done my part in changing this evil tide that we’ve turned. Not just bad habits, but erroneous views of what an adult, a mature person and a loving , giving, responsible citizen is responsible for knowing and doing. What are we doing? How are we doing? Just look at them. It won’t be hard to see.

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This increases the likelihood that this story, like many others, will be seen again and again. THANKS

Brandon Person
The Coffeelicious

Believer. Content Creator.💡 Idea guy. Founder, @trewfixtion Memphis born/bred Author of Lights Camera Journal