Looking for a writing coach or editor? I’ve got you covered.

Michael Burns
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2017
Find out more about me a recent interview on Medium here

Writing can be a lonely process. Believe me, I know. But I’ve been lucky enough to have found support along my journey from complete novice to a published author (including countless steps in between). I’d like to be one of those sources of support for you in your journey.

“It’s not fear of failure that’s holding most of us back from being writers. It’s fear of success. I’ve worked with so many authors and storytellers who find themselves stopping right as they’re hitting their stride or surging with inspiration. Why does this happen? Because if they take one more step forward their lives may change forever. Yes, for the better, but change is scary and nearly always resisted.”

Why work with me?

For the last five years I’ve directed and curated Tall Tales, India’s version of The Moth and the longest-running (and fastest-growing) platform for true, personal stories in the country. Over the course of doing this work, I’ve read over a thousand submissions ranging from the hilarious to the heart-breaking. Simultaneously, I’ve been teaching writing workshops in and outside of India using an original curriculum that I’ve developed focusing on the universal story structure. I now write books on my unique way of seeing stories, integrating ideas that have helped me and infusing them with my own perspectives and interpretations.

“I give workshops on Joseph Campbell and the hero’s journey, but the final insight is that it’s not only our character’s journey that’s at play — it’s our own. As writers we have been called to say something, to change the world even if it means moving it just one inch. We can try to resist that call to adventure but try as we might, it haunts us until we give in, until we take the step out of our comfort zones and into the unknown — where life can truly begin.”

What we would do together?

I see my role as helping you become the best writer you can be. It’s not about teaching you steps 1 to 20, but about accenting the strengths you already have and pointing out where your work can be improved, always keeping in mind what makes an effective and unforgettable story structure. Every writer has room for adjustment and fine-tuning and my strongest skill is finding the points where a story drags or lacks clarity and working with you to remedy the issues.

Getting in touch

Find out more about me at my websites where I offer one on one coaching, structural/developmental/copy editing, small group weekend workshops, and full-scale week-long writers retreats in exotic and inspirational locations around the world. I do custom sessions, consultation, and projects as well for corporate, NGO, or specialty clients. See the following for more, and remember, everyone has at least one great story. What’s yours?

Writing coaching overview: writewithmichael.com
Writing workshops and retreats: thestoryretreat.com
More about me: michaelpburns.com
Email me through these sites or at emailburns (at) gmail.com

