My Overly Caffeinated Critique of Another Poorly Written Meme

Beth Mann
2 min readJun 7, 2020

While strolling through my feed this morning, I came across the following “words of wisdom”:

Like many, I try to glean a little guidance from a random Internet meme. But they often read like they were written by drunken, blindfolded kindergartners (whom I imagine have a better command of the language.) And this one is no exception.

Dear Careless Meme Writer:

A. You don’t need to write a “life” tip. It’s implied. I’m assuming its not a “death” tip.

B. Reconsider using the word “asshole” to make your point. I am all for cursing at the right time but in the context of “words of wisdom” it’s a little harsh and frankly, kinda gross to read.

Take Albert Einstein’s famous quote:

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”

Einstein’s famous quote, rewritten by you, lazy meme writer:

“Any asshole can know. The point is to understand.”

A little overkill, wouldn’t you agree?

C. You could make your tepid point with half of the content.

Here’s the edited version, meme writer. A freebie. You’re welcome.

“Even the nicest people have their limits. They can be the scariest assholes when they’ve had enough.”

See? A mere fraction of the words you made me wade through.

D. Is this a point really worth memorializing? Even nice people have their limits? Wow…shocker. I never knew. I thought you could bulldoze over them endlessly.

Do meme writers ever check their work with an editor? Or do they think, “Screw it. I’ll just post anyway. Nobody cares about dumb old grammar and that stupid school stuff. Fuck periods and commas. Capitalization ain’t the boss of me.” I’m guessing the latter.

Well, even the nicest readers “have their limits” sir (or madam). Check your work and your point!

Okay, back to my third cup of coffee.



Beth Mann

Surfer, writer & overly enthusiastic karaoke singer. Unapologetic Journey fan with Scorpio rising. The Jersey shore is my home.