He likes to hang around.

My Writing Time

Akshay Gajria
The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readNov 2, 2017


I have a small clock on my desk. Its battery ran out and the hands are stuck at 10:44 (A.M., I think). I’ve been meaning to change the batteries for a while, but I don’t.

It is quintessential for me to know what time it is. I feel handicapped without knowing the time.

I start my day writing in the morning, sitting at my desk with my cup of tea. And even then, I must know the time, otherwise, I’ll go on writing and miss out all the other appointments I have later.

But, time has a tendency to pass quickly when I’m writing; time passes by easily. Relativity, I suppose.

That’s why I don’t get the clock new batteries. On one hand, time does pass, but on the other, when I’m writing, time is frozen in place.

Akshay G. manages to carve out time to write everyday. He manages an hour, or maybe two on a good day.

