Noticing a sticky thought

Ariel A. Tabaks
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2016

Success has a history of sticky power. Many things in life need to stick together for a good outcome. In music, excellent rhythm sticks well with a stunning melody, creating a treat for your ears.

Similarly, our thoughts are extremely sticky. By design, our mind has this ability to cluster thoughts for one reason, so the memories of these thoughts can stay healthy for a longer time. The mechanics are simple. When we think about something we explore many different perspectives. As a result, we create a short story. This story sticks in our memory and helps us to make faster decisions.

Low energy minds are occupied with stories that stick with cheap thoughts. I’ve experienced some extremely toxic people. The common trend is that they ridicule others to make themselves feel better. Even last year, I saw this in the school. A lecturer made a choice to humiliate a girl for forgetting to turn off her phone. I wasn’t mad at him, but simply thinking — what story is this person saying to himself, that he has to use authority in such a wasteful manner?

At the end of the day, what matters is not what we think, but what our thinking produces — the stories we love to tell ourselves. Some thoughts will always hinder your mind. Others, will not.

Glad you are here, thanks.



Ariel A. Tabaks
The Coffeelicious

Expectation management, expectation positioning. Fresh ideas from a 24 year old living in UK