Oct 28, 2015 — What attitude to wear?

Ariel A. Tabaks
The Coffeelicious
2 min readOct 29, 2015


Attitude is the shadow of your mind. It gives hints of your past — whether you’ve been hurt or praised. It also tells a story of your personality — whether you like things slow or fast.

We know that shadow is influenced by physics. It exists because there is light. The same is with our attitude, it exists because there is attention. The more we attract attention, the more our attitude will show and people will be able to access our mind, get hints of who we really are.

In my high school attitude meant rebellion. At least that’s how I remember it, and of course you weren’t allowed to show any. Though, what would happen if they would teach us attitude as a subject? What would happen if they would teach us how to create a shadow? So here’s the first chapter of their attitude course.

Strong shadow often comes with a simple shape. A simple shape is strong, because it is hard to make out what the object really represents. In the same way an attitude “I don’t care, if you don’t get me” is hard to predict and hard to manage. However, it is much deeper and more important than it might seem.

At the core there is a sense of purpose that’s higher than the basic survival to “fit in” and be accepted. It doesn’t mean that this attitude gives permission to ignore everyone. It also isn’t about standing out.

For most of us, it’s about being ready to show what you really like and why you believe it’s important. When you believe in it, the attitude follows.

A shadow left alone will tend to grow in predictable ways. A simple shadow on the other hand, has to be mastered.


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Ariel A. Tabaks
The Coffeelicious

Expectation management, expectation positioning. Fresh ideas from a 24 year old living in UK