On Evading Serendipity

Shalini C
The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readJan 26, 2020
Image: Unsplash

You know how it is…

You’re headed to the corner cafe tucked under the drowning sun
Wearing a weathered sweater at the seams coming undone
Ruinous remnants of a long passing day
All that you yearn for is the elixir of a strong latte
From a distance, you see a transiting vision
Getting closer and closer in its chatoyant luminescence
Touseled hair in caramel, glazing green eyes
A demigod trespasses into your powdery dreams, your grip on reality prised
He grows in your fantasy-filled realm
You shrink away from his course, overwhelmed
But there’s no turning back to chance
So you walk on ahead masquerading the portrait of nonchalance
The beaming twilight becoming to the timidity of your gait
In steps as light as a geisha, you tread towards your dreamy bait
He smiles at you chivalrously
But you look away and walk faster unceremoniously
For something in the equation is clearly amiss
And your paths crossing isn’t necessarily destiny’s tryst
Let’s not forget the unspoken rules and boundaries between strangers
The looming penumbra of curly brackets and conditional operators
So you untether yourself away from your dulcet daydream
And stir it into your coffee mug savoring the sweetness of requiem.



Shalini C
The Coffeelicious

Poet, beauty-of-words seeker, cook, bookworm. Politically-correct chocolate muncher.