Karthikeyan K ‘chimpy’
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2016


The Lost Innocence. (Musical script)

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I woke up at 10 in the morning, it felt strange. It didn't feel normal. I went downstairs to find out that nobody was there. Doors were locked from the outside, I panicked. Calming myself, I sat on the dining table to have my breakfast. Pancakes and Orange juice, It felt refreshing. I switched on the TV, resting myself on the couch, I hoped it would be a lazy day.* Phone rings *Me : Hello!Joe : Hey, it's me Joe!

Me : Oh Hi Joe, what's up?
Joe : Not much man! Listen, we've got a mission!Me : I was hoping we could take a day off man.Joe : No Col, we got to do this! Trust me!Me : Alright! What's the plan?Joe : You know where to come!Me : * Hangs up *I quickly went upstairs, had a shower and dressed up. I almost forgot the house was locked, I tried finding the spare keys but luck did not favor me. I went down to the basement and unlocked the doors to the streets from there, I felt like a ninja already.I rushed to Joe's place, he was waiting for me outside like expected. We took our tools and headed to the spot.The sun was scorching, we were half-tired but we never had a stop for water or food. On our way, Joe was explaining the mission for today. I felt so excited and thrilled. We managed to ride for 14 miles straight till we reached our destination. We were apparently on a hill and there were 2 bikes parked already...The place had a big board that said "Lost treasures"Joe was not that excited so I asked him if something was wrong.Me : Is something wrong?* Picking up a note from the ground*Joe : The Lost treasure is indeed lost, it's somewhere in this forest. We need to find it.Me : Well, that makes this even more interestingJoe : Okay, we need to get back before dusk, so buckle up. The treasure looks like a big box with some old pictures on it. Black in color. Okay?Me : Alright partner! Let's go!We started our search in the forest. We went downhill first to a narrow cave. We saw a picture on the ground, It looked old. We followed the path.* Bats screeching *Through the cave, we came out to an open land which had small trees compared to the ones we landed at. We could see some banners hanging on trees. We knew we were closer. Running upwards to the Hill top, we found something interesting. A sign on the tree, that looked like torch. We moved on, still wondering what that meant. Joe was bent on finding the treasure, didn't know what it meant to him but as a friend, I had to support him.We reached the Hill top. We found a small house in the corner. It was dark, locked from the outside.Joe : This must be it. They must've hidden it here.Me : Who is they?Joe : You'll know soon.Me : Should we go and unlock that?Joe : Yeah, I got some tools, let's try!Joe and I, try to unlock the door. He uses a hammer and breaks the lock, one feisty guy. We go in and it's pitch black. Joe had answers for everything.* Removes torch from his backpack and switches on *Two guys from behind silently put their hands on our shoulders.* I scream my pants off *They switch on the lights and little did we know that it was Andrew and Mike mocking us, Joe was the mastermind here. I felt so embarrassed and relieved at the same time. There was no treasure in the first place. But, I felt the whole experience was a treasure to me, so hilarious.The four of us go back to our bikes, part our ways.Collins, 9

Sometimes, we grow up so much that the innocent part of us is lost. The part which kept us Learning, Experiencing and most of all Living.

