Privileged Man Comments & Complaints

Pablo Andreu
The Coffeelicious


  1. “I can’t believe you looked over your shoulder at me and crossed the street when I was walking behind you at 2:00 a.m in a deserted, poorly lit street. So offensive.”
  2. “If you just smiled, I wouldn’t have to repeat myself about you needing to smile.”
  3. “Only 10 percent? This is bullshit. Next time, I’m gonna ask for a raise.”
  4. “No blowjob? That’s the last time I buy you a drink at 10:30 p.m. after I’ve exhausted all other options at two previous happy hours.”
  5. “Oh my God, the blowjob thing was a joke!”
  6. “Sorry I’m late for the meeting. Haha, just kidding. No, I’m not. I’ll still get credit for something you did.”
  7. “Can I see your notes from class so that I can score higher than you with the same answers without doing any of the work?”
  8. “I would be flattered if I got catcalled by women.”
  9. “In England ‘cunt’ is a term of endearment.”
  10. “Basketball players pat each other on the butt all the time.”
  11. “We shouldn’t vote for her just because she’s a woman.”
  12. “I’m not a feminist. I’m an equalist.”
  13. “Demeaning? I’m supporting that stripper’s hopes and dreams one literal dollar at a time.”

