See My confidential letter to Myself

The Coffeelicious
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2016

Dear Jade,

So you are back here again? In this dark place you hate? You’ve been here before. You’ve been this low with no hope.

This isn’t the first time. Look around you have been here.

It’s the same darkness you fought your way out of. Remember how grateful you were for the whole fight after it was over? Remember how your last fight made you so much more stronger, so much more of a warrior and so much more proud of your own self? So what you are you back here for? Back in this place where you are thinking defeat is good?

So what you can’t see a way out again?

You are here for a reason, a lesson you need to learn.

So stop trying to run away because it scares you. Stop running. And look around first, look at the darkness, look at why you even feel so hopeless.

Maybe it is something big. Maybe it is something very small or maybe it isn’t anything at all. That doesn’t matter. Stop being so scared of the darkness within you honey.

You’ve seen and accepted your light, it’s time to love your dark too.

No, you aren’t going to be stuck here for the rest of your life. There is a way out but don’t worry about that right now. Worry about the lesson you need to learn. Accept yourself even if it burns your insides, get to know the dark parts of you and know how to control them. It’s no use running from them, they will catch you up. Trust me they will.

Look around, it isn’t as bad as you thought it was, you can handle this. You know you can, believe you can. Ask for help, talk it out to someone, just let it out, honey. Write it down and flush the paper, record your voice as if you are speaking to someone and then hear it as your own friend. Fall in love with yourself so hard that you don’t even mind being alone anymore. Fall in love with the things the world hasn’t even seen, your little secrets with yourself. But careful! Don’t let it swallow you in it. Learn what you need and fight your way out. It will be a war, you will be tired but you can make it. I know you can, you have done it before. Just look ahead and fight your way out. You can do it. Believe you can do it.

Your demons aren’t under your bed or behind your back, they are inside you along with the angels. You decide who wins each and every time. It is all up to you. You remember the time you felt you couldn’t breathe because of the pain or the time your shoulders shook with your tears? You must also remember the time you didn't care about anything and felt completely happy. Completely blissful.

It’s time to fight darling and it’s a fight within you.

Anyways, You’ve been here before haven’t you? You’ve been this low with no hope. Look around you have been here. Just remember how grateful you were for the whole fight after it was over. Remember how your last fight made you so much more stronger, so much more of a warrior and so much more proud of your own self? So what you are you back here for? Back in this place where you are thinking defeat is good? Get up and get fighting warrior.

Yours lovingly,


Namastee!! As I was working for this month’s Topic Thingy which is “An encounter with an advice” I realised we give out so many great advices to people we love — family , friends but barely ever want to follow any of them ourselves. So I decided to write myself a a friend. And after I was done I really liked it. Thus decided to share it with you all!

So here is my second post for April’s TTT- An Encounter with an Advice. I also noticed a lot of new bloggers started following me too soo…If you all haven’t participated in it TTT yet…You realllyy should! Check it out then weigh the pros and cons😉 Check it out here!-Magic Link-

Also, What Do you think of it? Do you relate to it or not at all! Should I write more things like this or well…I don't know something else! But Most importantly Do you like it? Talk to me in the comments below! I am waiting!

Oh and you can — Click Here- if you want to be added to my list for a little ping so you don’t miss my post and a free Ebook- The Nudge Needed- delivered right to you !

Thank you! Have good week! Meet you next friday!

Ps you can talk to me anytime in the comments😉

Pss I can’t wait to show you the next week’s post — Click Here- to be in the email list! And even my Ebook😉

Originally published at on April 15, 2016.



The Coffeelicious

Writer. Poet and a Blogger at Being1nsane. Writing emotions through short stories, poems and write ups!