She remembered

Gina Y
2 min readSep 6, 2019


And somewhere, somewhere up there,
she remembered who she was,
who she could be,
and who she was right now.

She remembered
that she could climb mountains,
that she was small but also grand.
With every step, taller,
lungs fuller.

Taking in more with every breath,
breathing deeper.

She remembered that the world was large,
the universe larger.

That time was long,
life shorter.

She remembered everything
she did to get to this moment,
this place.
Every moment of fear and doubt,
delight and joy.

She remembered that it mattered.

Every stone, grain of sand.
Leaf and branch, tree and cloud.
She remembered that it all mattered,
that she mattered.

She remembered that her voice had sound,
and when she spoke,
Rememberance as it shook,
steadier as it continued.

Her voice had weight and mass,
and as she heard it,
she remembered that it mattered.

And somewhere, somewhere up there,
she remembered who she was,
who she could be,
and who she was right now.

She remembered that it mattered.
And she was moved.

To the women who raise each other up.

To the women who raise me up,
I love you, and I thank you.

With all of me, I hope the best for you.

And that we continue to rise.
And continue to raise one another up,
with every beautiful, hard,
honest, and heavy piece of us.

May we join and float,
may we fly.



Gina Y

Storytelling for a more empathetic world. I like words and people. Oh and butter, cultured butter.