T’was the Design of Apple

Tiffany Chen
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2015

(inspired by A Visit from St. Nicholas)

T’was four nights before Christmas, when in the Chen house
Mother Chen made the choice: to hell with the mouse!
She went off to Best Buy in the hopes that once there
She could test, buy, and come home with a new MacBook Air.

Photo courtesy of my iPhone 4s.

“Apple’s the best!” friends and coworkers said,
While visions of great usability danced in her head.
And mamma in her PJ’s, and I dressed in mine,
Had just settled at the dining table to bring the MacBook online.

When on turned the screen without so much as a clatter,
Mom gave a “tsk” — so I asked, “Ma, what’s the matter?”
I glanced at the desktop (a move that was smart)
And realized: as ex-Windows users, we had no clue where to start.

What do all these icons mean..?

A large landscape background — beautiful indeed,
But how about labels for icons? That’s what we need!
Without them, we don’t really know where to find
The “increase text size” option; or are we just blind?

We tried going through settings in the hopes of seeing some order,
Or some method of categorizing! A filter! A sorter!
Instead we were faced with four rows of “stuff”,
Ma asked, “Is there a method to this madness or are the row colors just fluff?”

Five minutes passed before we’d had enough,
And opened Safari for an experience equally rough.
We tried a quick Google search — and lo, what a sight!
“Where is the scrollbar?! Why aren’t the window buttons on the top right?!”

Confused and befuddled, we tried minimizing the screen,
What happened next was something we’d both never seen:
A greyed out “minimize” button that refused to shrink
The Safari window as we had expected — as you, too, would probably think!

After Googling the answer on my Windows PC,
We minimized Safari— albeit rather unhappily.
“Let’s change the desktop wallpaper!” I told Ma for a kick.
…and then imagine our faces when we couldn’t right-click.

While the majority of mousepads (read: on non-Apple devices)
Maintain consistency in that a right-click always suffices,
Apple uses two-finger clicks on the touchpad’s top-center.
Was this a “distinguishing” move, or usability proven by an experimenter?

Can this even be considered a right-click if you’re not actually right clicking?

And finally — Ma was to the point of tearing out her hair —
She pointed at the keyboard: “What’s the COMMAND button doing there?”
If other computers use CONTROL to copy and paste,
Isn’t adding that button both redundant and a waste?

We sat there a while longer and continued to whine,
Then finally concluded: it’s not just us — it’s Apple’s design.
It’s pretty, no doubt! But more than beauty, we yearn
For an interface that’s simple and easy to learn.

We sat there a while longer and continued to whine,
Then finally concluded: it’s not just us — it’s Apple’s design.

Mom sprang for her keys with the MacBook in hand,
To return the laptop at BestBuy, not originally as planned.
But I heard her exclaim, ‘ere she drove out of sight,
“Be more thoughtful in your designs, and to all a good-night!”



Tiffany Chen
The Coffeelicious

UX Designer at Microsoft; I’ve worked on Inclusive Design, design tooling, and better service design across our products.