Tesla’s Legacy? “This Looked Like Something you Would Expect an Alien Civilization to Build.”

Felicity Harley
The Coffeelicious


In 2010, an organization called Planet Hunters was launched to enlist the public’s help to search data coming from Kepler, for a drop in light due to orbiting extrasolar planets (exoplanets) crossing in front of their parent stars. The sun is the star in our solar system.

Well in 2011, citizen scientists flagged a star in the Vega Star system in between two constellations, Cygnus the swan and Lyre the harp, as emitting a very strange light pattern.

Low and behold they’ve now identified a strange clump of matter circling this mature star in what is known as Tight Formation. It’s causing unusual light patterns that some scientists currently researching this phenomenon have suggested might be stellar-light catchers, an advanced technology designed to catch energy from a star. Coincidentally, some years ago, SETI researchers alerted those seeking extraterrestrial civilizations to specifically look for very large technological artifacts orbiting stars.

Jason T. Wright an assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds at Penn State University, whose field includes glimpsing heat from alien technologies in space, has said:

“Whether an advanced spacefaring civilization uses the large amounts of energy from its galaxy’s stars to power computers, space flight, communication, or something we can’t yet imagine. Fundamental thermodynamics tells us that this energy must be radiated away as heat in the mid-infrared wavelengths. This same basic physics causes your computer to radiate heat while it is turned on.”

After this very recent discovery in the Vega star system was shown to him by Tabitha Boyajian the scientist overseeing Planet Hunters, Wright said:

“When [Boyajian] showed me the data, I was fascinated by how crazy it looked. Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilization to build.”

Wright’s first paper about Glimpsing Heat from Alien Technologies Survey (G-HAT), has been published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series on April 15, 2015.

In the second book of my cli-fi, sci-fi quartet the “Sound of Gaia”, a group of young scientists, including a reconstituted ET whose DNA has been found on Mars, look for an advanced energy source in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Here they discuss how it worked.

“I also built it to point towards Orion for good reason,” he continues excitedly, bowing his head in acknowledgment to the group. “The south and north shafts at that time, pointed towards Al Nitak and Alpha Draconis, while the south and north shafts in the Queens Chamber, pointed to Sirius and Beta Ursa Minor. We were receiving a microwave signal as a primer down the northern shaft of the King’s Chamber, which was being sent there via our geosynchronous satellites located in the Vega star system. It then passed through other satellites located near Irion’s Belt, and was directed to bounce off the limestone casing on the outside of the Great Pyramid. This microwave signal then passed into the King’s Chamber and through a crystal box amplifier filled with white powder gold. At the same time it energized or kick started hydrogen atoms that had been produced in the Queens Chamber and released large bursts of energy that we collected in a receiver, and directed up and out of the metal-lined Southern shaft in the King’s Chamber, to earth-bound satellites and transponders on the moon.

“Wow,” exclaims Obi “So the hydrogen atoms inside the Pyramid created a self-contained energy system once it was started, because some of its electrical output was fed back into it again, in order to maintain the electricity it was generating.”

“An amazing feat of technology,” Gabriel blurts out “if we could duplicate this, a vast renewable energy source would be available as long as we’re living here on this planet. One that belongs to everyone and doesn’t cost anything.”

“True,” Caroline responds, “we all know that our technological landscape has been influenced by whether investors’ can profit from an invention.”

“Remember Tesla,” says Max “JP Morgan basically refused to continue to fund his Wardenclyffe Tower facility, because the barons of industry were making a fortune from charging people for Marconi’s electricity. Had Tesla’s ideas succeeded, electric power might have been free and threatened their trickle-down economic system. The one, which in the end created a massive cluster-fuck for the world.”

“Tesla?” Enkidush queries, “Who was he?”

“Tesla, one of the greatest scientist of the twentieth century,” Obi replies, “understood that the earth itself was a perfect conductor for electricity. He knew it was possible to transport electricity through the atmosphere without using wires. Thus with the right receiving and transporting devices it could be put to use anywhere.”

“What happened to him?” Enkidush asked.

“He became depressed from his lack of financial support and allowed himself to fade away. However, he left a huge intellectual legacy. When he died the secret police of that time took his papers and hid them. It’s said in some circles that he’d invented the laser weapon that “the watchers” are still continuing to develop today.”

They all look towards the sky and imagine what might have been, as Caroline lifts her hand high in an imaginary toast:

“To the great Nicolas Tesla then,” she says, and they all raise their hands in unison with her, and say loudly “here, here!”

Christopher Dunn The Giza Power Plant

Boyajian, Wright and Andrew Siemion, director of the SETi Research Center are now working on a project, which will point a massive radio dish at this star in the Vega system in 2016, to see if it emits radio waves that can be associated with some kind of advanced technology. Stay tuned as they say!

Thanks again to all those that read what I write, I am truly energized by your attention and appreciate the time you take out of your busy days to read it. If you are interested in this subject, Netflix has a movie called Sirius and on it are some very serious scientists who are exploring anti-gravitational energy among other things. Additionally Engineer Christopher Dunn has an excellent book entitled The Giza Power Plant. Ever since I was small I’ve been amazed at the mysteries of what we don’t know with our conscious minds, and how restrictive our educational and our economic systems really are. Science and in particular quantum physics and geometry have now become major tools, as I slowly continue to put together all the complicated pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that make up what I now refer to as observable reality.



Felicity Harley
The Coffeelicious

writer. student of the human condition & psyche. grounded by family, garden and good wine.