The assassination of the daydream.
And two ways to protect yourself, and one way to make amends.
I hope I am wrong. I hope that the daydream has not been assassinated by social media, but I fear it has. Years ago, before smart phones and social media, people used to daydream. On the bus, the train, sat on benches, in the classroom, people used to stare into the unknown. Who knows what they were thinking, perhaps everything-perhaps nothing.
Social media has assassinated the daydream, no longer do people to sit and stare. Instead they sit and scroll. Scrolling through others peoples lives, their events and their broadcast thoughts. People have chosen not to focus on their dreams but to watch and commentate on peoples actions. Social media is designed to be addictive, to be compelling, to have a ‘Pringles effect’-once you pop….
However, there are two simple way to protect your daydreams being brutally snatched:
Leave your phone at home. yes, leave it at home. Life will be okay it will go on, people will resolve problems without you and don’t confuse other peoples urgent with your important.
If you really must take carry your phone; turn of the bleeps, the rings, the alerts. It’s a phone, not a child-it should not demand your attention.
You can make amends right now, literally right now. Stop. Stop for 10 minutes, watch your thoughts, play with them, soften your gaze, be playful with your mind. You already know how do this: It’s called daydreaming.