The Coffeelicious Crush #3

The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2016
Abby Norman

There is raw beauty in the truth, especially in the way Abby Norman says it. Writers like her are rare. She unflinchingly tells you a story, her story, including all the ghastly bits and dangerous details that anyone else would want to smooth over.

Abby is one writer who takes her flaws and flaunts them, making her shine bright like the afternoon sun. No wonder her upcoming book, a memoir, is called “Flare”.

It’s easy to fall in love with Abby, not because her tales tell a story about someone broken, but someone who is living in spite of them. You can’t really blame Bonni Rambatan, our editor, to fall for her (writing).

We are sure you have some stories by Abby that are your favorites. Tell us, we’d love to know!

