The Coffeelicious Crush #6

The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2016

Rishi Miranhshah

He is a true Rishi(Sanskrit translation of the word “monk”). A lawyer by choice and a translator by profession in Vancouver, Canada, Rishi went back to India to spread sustainable farming.

The writer crush of Srinath Reddy (owner of Coffeelicious), who is quite envious of Rishi and wishes he had a life like him.

The house Rishi built for himself, Chandigarh.

Here are some articles Rishi has published in Coffeelicious which show his concern towards a society which overuses technology and abuses the environment around it.

This article is a dialogue between a person and his “smart”phone. It throws light on how much we are enslaved by our smartphones.

Over-consumerism is killing the Earth. We have milked it for the last 1000 years for what? To feed the richest 62 people who own as much as half the world’s population?

This article shows exactly what we are. Destroying the planet and saving creatures(destroyed by us) and continuing the destruction which brought us here in the first place.

Let’s wake up from the dream which is destroying our home. Wake up to save it. Wake up to save yourself.

One more crush to go! Any guesses?

