The Musings of an Art Whore

A Diary Entry of the Over-Passionate

Craig Walkine Jr.
The Coffeelicious


I have a problem. To date I have 5 screenplays, 8 poems, 2 short film treatments, 4 video concepts, 2 passion project editing endeavors, 3 unfinished Medium articles (that may never see the light of day), 3 other blog posts, a virtual effects project and about 10 concepts of an unfinished brand logo sitting on my laptop, none of which is finished. To add onto my little molehill, I’m currently planning a short film series (coming soon *wink), drawing out a concept for a documentary film I want to do, laying out new business plans to launch in the new year and teaching myself the wonderful and complex world of Adobe After Effects. Oh and I’m really trying to get into the world of culinary arts.

What does this make me? Passionate? Ambitious? Crazy? Bored? All of the above? I’m not too sure.

You see, I have a need to learn. A hunger if you will. While I dwell in the realm of film and lean a bit towards the form of still photography, I still am so fascinated with anything and everything that’s even remotely artistic in the vaguest sense. I’m confident there’s peopel like me out there who too will go to the local theatre to enjoy the exhilerating experience of art on stage and soon after already have a plan in their head as to how one can retell the story of ‘Everyman’ using nothing but reds and blues all while contemplating the meaning of life and wondering why it is indeed always cooler on the other side of the pillow.

I find it fun to be involved in so many things at once. It’s a drug. I don’t like learning about jsut anything but I do love learning about most everything. I don’t know quite how to explain it. It’s a curious thing. Then again, I’m a curious person. Curiosity did more than just kill the cat, it already thought about what the next pet will be before the feline is even dead and gone. Hm, that could make a compelling short. Maybe black and white with just a tad bit of overexposure? Time to get a new camera. Film or digital? Maybe I can link my VSCO profile to draw more attention to the…wait…both my VSCO and Medium blogs could help draw an audience. First I just need to learn graphic design to come up with an abstract concept. Time to run to Barnes & Noble to pick up the latest ‘Business Weekly’ magazine. I’ve always loved reading. I also need to finish that book series I started last month…


I’m just a bit of an art whore.

