The One Thing That Matters The Most To Create Yourself In The World

Thomas Despin
3 min readJul 22, 2016

I used to ask to myself 10 times a day “what the hell am I doing here?”. It appeared to be a pretty stressful question with no obvious answer. Actually, the purpose of one’s existence seems to be the quest of a lifetime.

But if we have no idea about what is our mission yet, what are we supposed to do before we figure out?

I’m gonna turn 25 in 5 days and I’m still looking for answers. Everyone’s looking for answers, right?

I definitely can’t say that I found my life’s mission/purpose yet. But it doesn’t really matters. Really. Because I’ve recently discovered what is the most important thing for me (and probably for everyone) until I find out this so called “life mission”.

— Create yourself in the world —

I want to be happy
I want to be successful
I want to travel

How many times a day can you hear people complaining about what they wish they had or about what they wish they could achieve?

We shouldn’t confuse the end and the means.

Seeking happiness or being successful don’t make me wake up in the morning. “What for?” would I ask to myself as I try to open my eyes.

You can be the most successful person, the happiest one, with the sweetest family, traveling everyday… and still feel empty at some point. Feeling a lack of something that you can’t even explain.

Happiness is not an end.
Success is not an end.
Traveling is not an end.

Those are tools.
And tools are made to create and build.

How can you be fulfilled if you keep accumulating more and more tools and do nothing with them?

We’re all suffering. Human beings have been designed to suffer by default. We are thinking animals. And our thoughts have the power to build us, or to kill us.

When we’re doing nothing, we’re killing ourselves. We’re over thinking, facing anxiety and negativeness.

But when we become consciously active, we can use our thoughts to be creative and to build whatever we want to build.

Have you ever felt any kind of suffering while being 100% involved in something you were building actively? Have you ever had negative thoughts while being really focused on something that mattered to you?

Probably not. Because when we are focused on creating and building, our mind uses our energy to make this happen, and there is no room for negativity, anxiety or destructive thoughts. This is all part of the same process.

When we use our mind to create something, it has no more ressources available to create passive anxiety and worries.

And this is actually the one thing that matters to create yourself in the world. Taking consciously what’s inside to build it in the outside.

Each one of us is creative in his own way.

It’s now up to you to decide if you’re going to abandon your mind and let your thoughts kill yourself.

Or if you take a decision right now to use it to build yourself out actively.

What are you going to do?

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Thomas Despin

I build sustainable beach villas on remote paradise islands, in Indonesia — Seen in Forbes, WIRED & Entrepreneur — |