Nupur Jena
The Coffeelicious
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2015

Have you ever thought that if we were meant to stay at one place we would have roots instead of Feet! They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. Some people take it literally and follow their instincts while others believe that practically matters can get worse.

Today my Ode is to those OTHERS… who Live, Love and Explore life in its truest form.

You & ME: The ones who getup each morning thinking about pending emails as action items but choose to be happy anyways, Catch the bus, train or whatever it is that takes us to the office on exact time. The sincere ones, who make each of their minute productive, following the myth that the BOSS is always right & doing everything on this earth to be on his good books. Also the not so-sincere ones who don’t even love their jobs, but anyway stick to it, being too afraid to take risks, flout the rules and live as they want. So they too work their asses off, return home, watch News, have steak and wine for dinner n sleep. This has become a part of our lives. It’s what we have always done and we are too afraid to break the monotony. Stay safe and comfortable in our settled lives. But Yes.. We also plan a vacation in every 8 months. We spend the weekends partying in some pub or go to a movie with friends and feel content that we are utilizing the money we have hard earned wisely. And that there is no other way it can be done.

I don’t want to criticize or be mean to this type since I am one of them & I completely stand by it. It would really make me uncomfortable to venture out of my so called comfortable zone, which lets me have control of my life (as I wish to think). Where-in I know the consequences of my actions and most importantly I am are ready to face them

But this story is about those OTHERS who I love and adore. I want to know what it takes to live such a life as they do! I remember a saying from “The Buddha” which goes as

“As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise you will miss most of your life.”

The Others – These types are rare. They lead a differently motivated life. They listen to their heart and follow their own will. They give a damn to what the society thinks about them, leave alone worry about the consequences on their life as a whole. They don’t fall prey to stereotypes or labels. Money, Riches, Social status or any other stigma cannot affect them. These are the OTHERS.. Who can risk everything and still be so happy, calm, composed, living life enjoying the journey as well as the destination.

Some live as Nomads travelling the world having no permanent place they can call their own. Some of them can turn up in Kyoto to teach English or go to the sun kissed beaches in Hawaii just out of a blue, leaving their settled lives for something exciting and on the edge kind of experience. They will volunteer in numerous NGO’s in Africa or Syria and other times you will find them at Oktoberfest’s in Germany, a Swift concert in Tennessee or watching a football match in Spain. They may return home for 2–3 months and then again follow their hearts and go wherever life takes them. What motivation drives them? Who knows?

But, Kudos to them for having the guts to pursue what they love, desire and dream. . And though I would love to be in that list, I find myself not strong enough to trust n follow my heart and give myself to the temptations life is throwing at me. Maybe, I need some more time to explore first those corners of my mind; I myself am unaware of and then set off to the journey I can call my own.

To all those others, You and Me –

“Life is short. Short, and not about anything except what you can touch and what touches you”



Nupur Jena
The Coffeelicious

Travel Blogger Japanese Interpreter 📝 Coffee Lover ☕️ Civil Engineer