The Red Balloon

Amogh Talpallikar
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2017


I don’t think the little girl heard the sound of the horn. The truck was speeding towards her. She was still walking at her own pace.

I shouted at the top of my voice and waved my hands, but her eyes were set on the big red balloon that man was selling across the road.

It was a matter of seconds. The truck hit her. People were shocked. The busiest road in the city went silent. The pieces were all over the road. The driver did not survive. The truck shred apart, but there she was standing in front of the balloon seller.

She took out a few coins from the tiny purse she was holding. The man handed her the balloon and ran away. She wondered why that man didn’t take the money, but she got what she wanted, and it brought a big smile to her face.

The smile on her face lasted till she turned around. What she saw brought tears to her eyes. She stood there crying.

She released the string of the balloon. It went up in the air as she slowly, slowly walked away ….

Fuck. That felt real. I so wanted to watch the next episode. Probably binge watch the whole season, but this shit is so expensive.

I removed the headgear and strolled out of the mall.

Across the road, there was a little girl about to cross the road. I turned to my left. A man stood there holding a red balloon in his hand, while the sound of the horn was approaching from the right.

