The Secret To Charisma

Maitreya Thakur
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2015


Charisma is a skill like any other. You can learn to be charismatic. Here’s how.

This is a topic which invites fierce debate, given that we do not quite know what charisma is. One thing we do know is that it works and when it works, it works like magic. But what is it and how can one get it? Here is my take on it.

My observation tells me that charisma is a skill. It is not a mystery as many believe; it is simple, though not easy. The only thing is that while some learn it consciously, others learn it sub-consciously.

It all depends on how we wash our brains daily. The people we surround ourselves with, the music we hear, the books we read — they all shape our personalities.

If a child has grown up mostly surrounded by calm, grounded and confident people, he/she would subconsciously imbibe those qualities. In a similar way, I believe an adult too could learn and imbibe charisma. The trick is to flood your mind with what you want to achieve.

Charisma, communication, public speaking, these are skills which can be developed. Look through the lives of the greats, and you will notice that they too felt the timidity we all often feel, for example in public situations. But, they did not succumb to it. They went ahead and did what they must.

Therefore, I feel the key component of charisma is conviction. If one has faith in themselves and in what they believe — and they speak with conviction, then people can’t help but follow them.

In short, those who speak up, and speak up boldly, will over time develop the charisma that we so cherish.

