The (unrequited) love story

The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2017

Dear Diary,

I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She has been so off and away lately.

A week ago I finally gathered some courage to tell her how I feel for her. I am absolutely crazy for her, and she fills my heart with love I never knew existed. Every small little thing about her seems so special. The dimples in her cheek when she smiles, the way her hair spark up a conversation with the wind, the gaze that makes me drown in her soul.

She is smart, but also kind; sexy, but also traditional. She is amazing just the way she is, and perfect for me. I dream of a life with her, a life full of joy and fun, just like the time we have spent together so far.

I can go on and on about her and it will never be enough. So I wrote her a letter, asking her on a date, and posted it to her address, she is old school that way. When she got the letter, she called me to thank me for it. She said the gesture and the letter were sweet, but, and that but killed me. She said I think of you only as a friend, and I don’t want to date you. At first I thought she was serious, but then I replayed all the moments we have spent together, the memories we have made. The chats over coffee, the random texts, the endless conversations. I think she is playing hard to get. That’s alright with me. I can chase her to the end of the world. And I will. I know she loves me, and I know when she realizes how crazy I am for her, she will come running to me. Until then, I will run towards her.


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Dear Diary,

I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He has been so stubborn and clingy lately.

A week ago, he sent me a letter asking me out on a date. As sweet as the gesture was, I don’t feel that way for him. And I told him the same.

He is just a friend, that’s all. I have had a couple of coffees with him, and sometimes he text me and I reply back. He keeps trying to strike up a conversation, even when I act like I am least interested. I don’t think he gets that. But all that was fine too, now he has started stalking me. He will follow me wherever I go, keep calling and texting me even when I don’t reply. I am so irritated and frustrated. He keeps asking me to continue talk to him, I don’t understand how he thinks he can force me to do that.

Isn’t love supposed to be like a soft breeze that fills your life with fragrance you have never smelt before? Isn’t it supposed to just happen? Can someone really force you to fall in love with them? If this is what love is like, I am happy living a loveless life.

I don’t want this random stupid guy who cannot take no for an answer continue stalking me and become a negative force in my life. I don’t want any of this. I never acted as if I was even a tad bit interested in him. He was just another guy, that’s all, just like the billions other.

I hope he has some brains and self respect left to realize this. Until then, I will keep pushing him away.


