Things I realized after losing my father

Saakshi Naidu
The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readMay 10, 2017
  1. No one can ever love me as much as he did. Not even my mom.
  2. He was the reason I slept in peace, anywhere, anytime.
  3. No one cared about my smallest wins in life as he did.
  4. Life was simple when he was around.
  5. I could be a badass because of him. He gave me strength.
  6. I wanted to do something big in life just to see his proud smile.
  7. I want my husband to be his spiffing image because I know I can’t get better than him.
  8. He was always there for me.
  9. We can never spend enough time with our parents.
  10. He taught me to be kind, and also to fight for what is right.
  11. I get my humor from him. It’s the best :)
  12. Saying goodbye to him is one of the hardest things I will ever do.
  13. He protected me from the world, people and even himself. Not once during his illness did he let me feel his pain.
  14. I will miss him at all occasions in life. Every small and big victory, there will be a shadow on my heart, and I will spend hours imagining what he would have said in that moment.
  15. I have to continue without him in my life. It’s tough and it makes me cry.

