Basics cry out

Three Global Basics

Stephen C. Rose
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2015


Three global basics crying out to me
Do you agree

Basic Movement

Masses looking for a way
to live, to love to, care, to have a day
Refugees is hopeless as a concept
A throwback to a world that
can no longer make believe
that today’s treatment of
the wandering, fleeing, hated
is just or adequate

STOP and consider

Call this Basic Movement
and adapt the world to IT

Create a world where ANYWHERE is home

Basic Income

Trillions syphoned off by billionaires
nauseating ugly
A massive global robbery

Basic income is not charity or justice
It’s fairness

Take the money and reorganize it
If the billionaires won’t do it we can
Just give us levers for a day or two

Basic Income GLOBALLY
trumping every terrorist
trumping every phony democrat
who wants to save a war economy

Basic Income friends
At the beginning of any list
of necessities for the future

Basic Democracy

Not monstrous central governments
Instead local units
Real face to face
Constitutional and tuned
to explicit community needs

Local democracy is not a panacea
Wherever power exists without balance
there’s corruption in the wings

It’s tough to be for democracy
It’s tough to be for ending war
It’s tough to be fallible

Basic Democracy is hands on
sensible It is the best route to universal fairness

The best solutions ever worldwide Basic Movement Basic Income Basic Democracy

Stephen C. Rose has written a number of books (Fiction/Non-fiction). You can tweet him here.

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Stephen C. Rose
The Coffeelicious I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!