Time is more valuable than your paycheck

Robert M. Henderson
The Coffeelicious
2 min readAug 29, 2015


I’m young, I’m a student, but when term-time drops off I’m just a regular Londoner, a regular barista and it’s got me thinking about life. This could be deep.

Last week I worked forty-four hours, a measly feat you grafters may cry but for a lackadaisical student, making coffees from 9:00 until 18:00, eight days in a row, takes some real drive. To put it frankly, it nearly killed me. It’s not so much the physical exertion, more the repetitiveness of the task, a mundane and menial way to spend your weeks; although my Flat Whites are now pretty spectacular.

Orwell once wrote of the value of time and how in a capitalist society, for many working people, it was difficult to gain a perspective on its true meaning. Money is simply a token for society and in many cases used by the ‘bourgeouise’ or upper and middle classes to indulge in extravagances that contribute in no way to the development of the human race, and they never will do. Bare with me here, I’m making a point.

Effectively, you’re selling yourself. Especially if you’re working something you simply don’t enjoy, time is the most valuble of human possesions, because it is a possession, we created it, it’s a man-made convention. My point is, if I didn’t make my daily 4000 cappuccinos it wouldn’t make the slightest difference to anybody’s life, or to the world we live and survive in. That’s why it’s so horrific that western society relies so heavily on currency, there are people starving in the streets, only because begging doesn’t pay very well, it isn’t respected, if it was, it would become a ‘legitimate’ profession.

Yes, I’ve spiraled off topic but the underlying message is value your time and don’t let money consume you; because when it comes to it, I know which one I’d choose.



Robert M. Henderson
The Coffeelicious

I usually write about coffee, tech or travel but often take meandering diversions. I co-founded a content agency: tencontent.co.uk