To hell or through hell?

The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2016

A road to hell and a road through hell are distinguished only by a single choice. To quit or to persevere. Quitting is a choice. Persevering is a choice. Things get tough sometimes. Really tough. Life can turn into a what seems like a nightmare. Sad, but it’s true.

In fact, being in a tough situation might not even be your fault. Ending up on a road taking you through dark times and painful days may truly be a result of someone else’s poor judgement. You may be were you are because someone else royally screwed up. But..and this is a huge but..choosing to quit and stay where you are is entirely your doing. That choice cannot be blamed on anyone else but yourself. Even if you have ended up stuck somewhere you don’t want to be it’s never too late to change your mind. Change your choice and start moving until you end up somewhere a bit more pleasant.

If it’s hitting the fan, the last thing you want to do is stop and hang out for a while. Put one foot in front of the other and keep moving. You are stronger than you think.

Life gets rough. Which is why I send out bits of encouragement and inspiration that land right in your inbox. If that’s something you could use, sign up. I would love to send you some.



The Coffeelicious

I want to write the words I wish were written for me. For those dark moments I kept to myself and insisted on standing alone — even though I never really was.