Trump’s Transsexual Secret!

Fake News? Maybe…maybe not….

Joy Saint James
The Coffeelicious
2 min readDec 1, 2016


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It’s probably safe to say that few, if any, self-identified trans voted for Donald J. Trump. Indeed, it’s been argued that — in an election conceptualized by old-fashioned order versus progressive social justice — all the fuss over transgendered access to public restrooms is what cemented Trump’s unexpected victory: Political Correctness run amuck.

The irony is that Trump himself may really be Trump herself.

For based on all the available evidence (and there’s a lot!) from Trump’s exhibitionist life — the marriages to glamorous women, the fixation on the most feminine of female bodies — he presents a classic case study of autogynephilia.

According to the scientific literature, especially as documented by Dr. Ray Blanchard, autogynephilic transsexuals — as a subset of the total transgendered population — are sexually aroused at the idea of having a female body. They love women so much, they want to become what they love — to be both subject and object of their own desire.

Autogynephilic transsexuals often present themselves as ultra-masculine Don Juans with a unique appreciation for beautiful women. To own and oversee the Miss Universe contest, as Trump indeed did, would provide the ultimate fantasy. Contestant complaints about inappropriate touching and/or mysteriously disappearing underwear would fit perfectly with the diagnosis of autogynephilia.

Bragging about his sexual conquests (as he did with Howard Stern) and displaying weirdly sexualized interactions with his beautiful, 35-year-old daughter are also illustrative of the autogynephilia profile.

No doubt, Trump lacks sufficient self-awareness to recognize his condition. But he does know this: He loves shemales. To grab a tranny pussy is extra fun!




Joy Saint James
The Coffeelicious

Postmodern Moll Flanders, adventuress, sinner, explorer, yogani. Recovering prude, former nerd, brainy bimbo. Day job Big Bad Banking. Twitter @ScholarlySlut