
Ananya Mitra
The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readJul 9, 2015

The art of forgetting
Is also the science of vaporization
The most volatile bits of us
The kisses and conversations and…
Will disappear quickly
The more pernicious things
The things that have sunk in
The sound of your laughter, the warmth trapped between our palms, the knowledge that you drool unsexily on your pillow when you sleep…
Those I’ll have to shake out of me
Agitate myself till they too are ready to dissolve
Into the atmosphere of memories
And I shall have to do this again and again and again
Till the pain becomes a memory
And then again
Till the memories become memories


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Ananya Mitra
The Coffeelicious

Lawyer by day and dabbler in fiction, poetry, photography and doodles — also by day. I am here to share my stories with anyone who has a moment to listen.