What A Great Day
For America, uh?

Keay Nigel
The Coffeelicious
Published in
4 min readAug 20, 2015


#JoshDuggar #JaredFogle

Celebrity, Money, Power and Hypocrisy. And Race.


Josh Duggar, an American reality TV star. He is also heavily involved in conservative politics, and openly champions for “family-centered” anti-abortion, anti-divorce and anti-gay marriage policies in America.

Honestly, there ain’t nothing wrong with that.

UNTIL he was found to be a child-molester; some of his underage victims were his sisters. Talk about family love here. The irony is that it’s still in recent memory that the Duggars called LGBT people a threat to child safety.

Because of the scandal, he was dropped from being the Executive Director of the Family Research Council, a conservative group known to lobby actively against gay rights and same-sex marriage.

That was all in May 2015, just three months ago.

Now, Duggar is exposed for being an active member on Ashley Madison, following a hack on the infidelity dating site.

Gawker breaks the story with the report:

But well,

“GOOD NEWS: Josh Duggar is now fondling adults.
BAD NEWS: They aren’t his wife.”

One comment goes, It’s just funny to me, that 35 million people are basically caught cheating or trying to cheat on their spouse, yet gay marriage will destroy the sanctity of marriage. Not 35 million adulterers. Ok.

Josh Duggar has made us very confused indeed with what exactly do his “traditional values” and “family-centeredness” really mean.

The irony tho.

And talking about irony, Jared Fogle, aka the Subway Guy, who’s also the founder of children’s charity, Jared Foundation, is charged with possessing child pornography and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor. The FBI raided his home a month back.


The investigation was actually a follow-up after Russell C. Taylor, Fogle’s best friend and the director of his children charity, got busted for child exploitation, possession of child pornography, and voyeurism charges.

Yes, both the founder and the director of a charitable children’s organization ended up exploiting the exact same group of people whom they are supposed to help.

U.S. Attorney Josh Minkler said at a press conference,

“This is about using wealth, status and secrecy to illegally exploit children.”

Under a plea agreement, Fogle will plead guilty to his charges and pay a total of $1.4 million in restitution to the 14 alleged victims. He is also facing a prison sentence, as put forward by federal prosecutors, of no less than five years, and a maximum 12½ years. (Though it could be more, depending on the judge.)

At the moment, Jared Foundation’s website at www.jaredfoundation.org comes up as a spotless white blank. (Doubt the organization could ever start over with a clean slate though.)

As for the Subway side, the mega-chain has officially announced their separation from Fogle.

Though, they might be still missing out some connections here and there:

But as hypocritical as these men can be, it gets worse when it comes to the American media, politics, and its flawed law system:

So you see, it’s not just about the hypocrisy of the rich and powerful, but the hypocrisy of the American society itself. How it treats its own people.

The media has to change. Politics have to change. The law system has to change. Education has to change. And lastly, the people’s mindset too. That’s the only way the American society can move forward, and not deeper into hypocrisy.

Now can I get an Amen on that?



Keay Nigel
The Coffeelicious

Keay Nigel is also on Huffpost, BuzzFeed, EliteDaily & Thought Catalog // IG: @keaynigel