What is a dream?

AlbaLnz α
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2015

Everybody has a dream, that immense desire that would unlock a powerful drive for the rest of your life. Sadly, the great majority doesn’t realize it and the lucky ones who can name it, most likely will drop it too early.

You might deny it or think that it is not true, that you haven’t been born with that “special something”. Well, think about this for a second: if thousands of people have talked, written, sung, discussed about it during centuries in our history before you, there must be something true about all of it. Wait. I have a better example: Just take a look at successful people around you, what do they have in common? Most of them have followed their dreams so…

What about you? Do you know what your dream is?

While we grow up we want to be something: heroes, vets, teachers, football players, actors and actresses, and pretty much everything that seems cool on TV. Those ideas grow and mature the more we learn about the world and eventually they turn into something else. However, the more we grow older the less we are able to define with words what all that is becoming into. We start stumbling upon new things and stuff that we like or feel passionate about, stacking and mixing everything and forgetting at the same time that thing that always motivated us in the beginning.

At some point we all lose track of it; all of us start wishing to be a Peter Pan and be able to dream about that thing again. Meanwhile, reality keeps approaching sneakily, knocking at our doors and whispering “Hey, I’m here and you don’t have much time until you can no longer ignore me, hehe!” Damn bitch.

And we have forgotten our dream.

Our life is noisy and it becomes worse the more you approach to the adulthood. You know, problems, responsibilities, expectation, and all that kind of stuff. It happened to me and it has happened to you too. At the age of twelve I was determinate to be a writer and I started drafting pure shit. However, I never became what I always dreamed until more than a decade later. Why?

I lost track of my dream during a few years, completely ignoring it. The circumstances of our life blurry our passions and motivation; they allow us to discover new things, but many times they also get in the middle of what we truly are. I don’t think you have ever been aware of this before, but our dreams, the real ones, are a reflection of our souls.

Again, I am not talking about careers, lifestyles or achievements. I talk about what makes you human; what makes you unique and irreplaceable: I have seen people driven by the power of creating something new, people pursuing the need of helping others, great artists following their passion of showing the world what they have to say. It could be anything but all of them have the same root because

A dream is something bigger than what you are.

A dream is something bigger than you and that is the reason why it can lead us more far away than we never expected. It pulls us out of the worst situations and empowers man to fight for what they believe. A dream is bigger than being a writer, a successful person or a saint.

Everybody has something, but sometimes it is so obvious for us that it passes unnoticed. We forget about it. If you nothing could stop you EVER, what would it be that thing that would push you until the edge? What would keep you fighting beyond what you are?

Realizing how important was my dream, not being a writer but spread my worldview, changed everything.

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