
Why Do People Never Get The Roses They Deserve While They Can Still Smell Them?

Sam Olawale
The Coffeelicious
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2015


Life is a funny thing, we forever occupy our minds with what we long to achieve vs dwelling on past events we wish we could go back and change. We often forget that in the here and now, the people we love so much and would miss beyond comprehension, will inevitability one day leave this earth and our lives.

This is not meant to make us dwell on sad thoughts or sacrifice aspiring to be better people, but realise that being grateful for people in your life is the highest servitude you can offer to this wonderful journey of living we all undertake!

People we love and admire rarely see or feel the love we have for them in its fullest form, or at least not as often as they should. As we live our everyday lives, the wonder and beauty of the world becomes common place and we take little everyday miracles for granted to the point where we place more value on what we don’t have, compared to cherishing who and what we do have.

When people we know and love pass, if they looked upon us mourning their loss, would they see a more animated, emotional, vulnerable, intimate, and affectionate side of you? Definitely so!

So why do we find it so hard to express such unadulterated emotions openly with people when they are in our presence?

There is a saying that has always hit home to me:

“People Never Get The Roses They Deserve While They Can Still Smell Them”

And I believe this is one of the truest and wisest sayings modern language has to offer, and it has a profound impact on anyone who choses to truly embrace the comment.

A person I hold in high regard lost someone close to her and asked me if I think everything in life happens for a reason, and to be honest my intuition is undecided on the answer.

When I see so much unnecessary tragedy and misery in the world it’s hard to see the good in anything at times, but then I experience an overwhelming feeling of euphoria from the tiniest, most minuscule things like a child smiling, a butterfly fluttering in the wind, or witnessing a random act of kindness from one person to another, and all my hope that we have a greater purpose in life makes my heart overflow.

Delving deeply into your unbounded passion, love and affection for your loved ones and mankind as a whole is something that is personal to each of us and we emanate compassion towards people in our lives in our own unique way, but I feel I must ask you…

When was the last time you gave a rose to someone you love?

The funny thing is you don’t even need to give a rose, you can call the person or go meet them, and with as much energy and emotion as you can muster, hug them tight, look them in the eye, tell them you love them and say it like you mean it!

I promise you the world will always seem a better place when you take the time to do this, and best of all… It costs you absolutely nothing.

Never Forget: The best things in life are free

This article is dedicated to Alexandra (you know who you are)

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