Why giving a shit can save your life

Mike Clouse
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2015

Life has a mysterious lullaby playing at all times. It’s soft and soothing and without even noticing will lull us to sleep.

But it’s not what you think. We won’t simply close our eyes and fall fast asleep; that would be too obvious. This mysterious force isn’t after our body; it’s after our mind.

It will rob us of our hopes and dreams. Our relationships and happiness. The lullaby is relentless and will continue to play, pulling us into a deadly trap.

This trap looks so inviting and harmless. I myself walked right up to this trap and after reading the sign hanging over its doorway, I reached for the handle, slowly opened the door and stepped through to the other side.

The sign above this trap reads “Indifference”, and once you walk through the door, you will transition from living life to merely sleepwalking through life. It’s hard to believe how something as simple as being indifferent can lead to such a lifeless place, but it does.

There is a terrible emptiness inside of indifference. It becomes a trance that left unbroken will rob us of the excitement, joy and richness life has to offer.

Many people die at twenty-five and aren’t buried until they are seventy-five.

― Benjamin Franklin

There are no boundaries in life, and it will gladly provide a path to everything the mind can imagine. The entrance fee to walk this path is simply caring. We must remove indifference, caring enough to voice an opinion on things big and small and to express it always.

The lullaby isn’t able to play when I live with intention and purpose. The words “I don’t care” are the only power that will start the sinister record playing once again.

Being interested and paying attention to the simple choices of my day-to-day have led me back to that very same doorway. But this time the sign reads “Caring”. By living with intention, I can step back through the door to regain my place among the living.

Pay close attention, and never allow yourself to walk through the door of indifference. But if you do, just remember how to find your way back.


