#WomenCanStopTrump is the Campaign We’ve Been Waiting For.

Alicia M. Napierkowski
The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readSep 14, 2016

by Alicia Napierkowski

I knew it wouldn’t take long for powerful women to band together and do what they do best: crush the damn patriarchy. And forces of evil. This time, taking it to the polls.

Emily’s List is a democratic political organization that works to elect pro-choice women into office. Emily’s List is everything I’ve needed since the beginning of this election. These women are serious, empowered, forward thinking individuals, and they’re encouraging women to vote with their campaign: Women Can Stop Trump.

You can pledge to stop Trump, read about all the horrible things he has said about women and minorities, and make sure he doesn’t get elected as President of the United States.

The mere expression of the possibility is cringeworthy.

This call to action reminds us these matters go far beyond a simple choice between left and right – and the importance of utilizing our voices. It’s frightening to think someone who boasts hatred, greed, and ignorance can be in the position Trump is in.

We need to stop this.

I visualize a future of empowerment, growth, freedom, equality, and change. I imagine we all do, right?

See for yourself:

Alicia Napierkowski is a freelance writer and designer. She has been published in The Huffington Post, Thought Catalog, and across Medium. You can find a complete list of her work at alicianapierkowski.com.
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Alicia M. Napierkowski
The Coffeelicious

journalist, reporter, & copywriter. columnist, NYTimes On The Market. words in The New York Times, Teen Vogue, & more. alicia.napierkowski@gmail.com