You Should Marry Your Best Friend

but in order to find the true love, you have to..

Ömer Akyürek
The Coffeelicious


The picture you see above was shot exactly six months ago. We are happily married ever since. I had many months to think about and answer the question: “how did I become so fortunate enough, to find and marry the woman of my dreams?”

Love and a happy relationship is what life’s about. Therefore, I want to share my lessons and experience with you.

I was always very skeptical about marriage. Since I was 14 years old and started to date the first girl, the bar kept rising and rising. The older you get, and the more you experience you collect, the more you are expecting “from the other side”.

It seemed like an impossible task to find the right person. I’ve dated my fair share of woman, but there was always something missing. Some of them were gorgeous looking, but not intelligent. Other ones were PhD’s, but didn’t have the right looks. Over time I basically stopped searching and focused on self-improvement. I begin to realize, that in order to love somebody else, I had to love myself first. So I begin travelling, reading, partying, studying and forming an amazing life, that other people would be jealous of.

In a nutshell, I highly recommend going through these steps:

  1. Fall in love.
  2. Let somebody break your heart.
  3. Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat it.
  4. Get over it and start traveling.
  5. Never ever marry your first partner (it rarely works).
  6. Party. A lot.
  7. Groom well.
  8. Create the perfect version of yourself.
  9. Read a ton of books about how to build/maintain a successful relationship or how to become a better husband/wife.
  10. If you think, that the partner isn’t the perfect fit, don’t rush and introduce him/her to your family and friends. Sometimes, you need to fly under the radar.
  11. Make mistakes.

The last part forms your character and creates “scars”. Often times, that’s the thing your partner will love about you the most.

So in order to find your best friend and marry him/her, you have to fall in love with yourself, your life and be comfortable being alone. This is by far the biggest mistake people make. Don’t marry the next best person you find, because you feel “lonely”. That’s not real love.

I wish you all the luck, friends, health and love in this world!

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. — Antoine de Saint-Exuper

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Ömer Akyürek
The Coffeelicious

Background in economics and marketing. Designer at day, Developer at night. —