Tao of Yummi, Sutra 40

Your Dream Family Is A State of Mind

Yummi Delish a.k.a. Jeff Nelder
The Coffeelicious


Tao of Yummi, Sutra 40, Part II of II, Microsutras 4–6 of 6

You can get to know someone so well that you close yourSelf off from the Serendipity of who they’ve actually become on their own journey through time.

Time’s a dimension that doesn’t stop — anymore than up, down, in, out, right or left. Unlike space, nothing can get in the way of your passage through time. It’s easy to forget, but with each tick of the clock, there’s more to learn about those who’ve accompanied you all along. Your idea or ideal of these fellow travelers can seem set in stone. Just as you and the Universe unfold together, so does everyone else. You’ve changed. You’re a newer version of yourSelf in each moment, and so is your sister, brother, husband, wife, father or mother. They’ve got the delightful and unexpected for you, if you’re open to it.

Discover the authentic people you think you already know. They’ve got incredible value to share, but you must be able to see who they are now.

Open to Serendipity with Family

History can get in the way of seeing who someone is right now. It’s all memories. You can’t affect the past, so why let it dictate your behavior? Likewise, the future hasn’t happened yet, so why let expectations, based on the past, control your future? You determine what happens next in this current moment. This is where you’ll find the delightful and unexpected.

You’re about to spend a lot of time with family. Discover the authentic people you think you already know. They’ve got incredible value to share, but you must be able to see who they are now. Be thankful for the kinship and open up: sister or brother, blood or other.

Common ground is all about seeing the gaps and opportunities. Where there’s a gap, can you build a bridge? Where there’s an opportunity, can you strengthen it and work to let others know about it?

Brothers and Sisters in Creativity

You’re everyone’s sister or brother, by blood or other, and you’re all essential pieces contributing to a larger whole. When you’re present, you can sense this truth. There’s an opportunity to heal, unify and collaborate — if people can only find common ground.

As unique individuals, brothers and sisters believe in different things. What doesn’t change is the foundation of kinship. Shared history. Plenty of arguing. Plenty of sticking up for each other too.

It can be this way between you and people across the country who believe in different things. You share a kinship — plenty of it actually. You share history. You’ve argued, and you’ve stuck up for each other, whether you know it or not.

Common ground is all about seeing the gaps and opportunities. Where there’s a gap, can you build a bridge? Where there’s an opportunity, can you strengthen it and work to let others know about it? What’s most important for one may not be for another, and that’s okay.

Diversity of opinion makes a culture rich and innovative. Diversity lends momentum and truth to the creativity of the culture, and the culture’s impact on itself and the world. We can all be value creatives. Creativity is good for you and those around you, and comes from a place of inspiration based on love. In the company of value creatives, you bond around the common ground of creating value. You might not agree on what to prioritize, but you agree that value must be created to move forward. You can find a point to unify around creativity. You are here to help. Authentic value is yours to give. Set your intention to value creative.

We help and protect each other…but it’s only love when it comes from a place beyond fear or anger.

Go Worldwide…As Brothers and Sisters

Family and home are a state of mind that can include blood and stone, but ultimately aren’t set in either. Blood may be thicker than water, but love is thicker than blood, and family can be a choice — about how you approach each moment in the world.

You don’t have to accept the limitations that society (or even your relatives) may place on relationships. It’s up to you, and only you, how you feel and behave towards others. Loving whom you want to isn’t limited to marriage. Each person must decide to open to the love in his or her heart. The more you open to love, the more inspiration and creativity you’ll experience.

We become family by choice all the time. Marriage is one way. But people also band together and collectively strive. We help and protect each other…but it’s only love when it comes from a place beyond fear or anger. When love flows more freely, everyone’s better off.

You can stride through the world with an attitude that you’re part of something larger, or you can experience a life apart. You can even decide to include those who stand apart as brothers and sisters, however they behave. Want to be considered “worldwide?” Live into purpose, mindfully, in each moment, open to love. Now you’re worldwide…family that is.

As ever, it’s a pleasure and an honor to offer the authentic value that’s ours’ to give, and if you have questions, I’m here.


This is Tao of Yummi, Sutra 40, Part II of II. We publish 3 frames with Microsutras twice a week, with the full 6-frame strip of conscious cartoonery in Part II here on The Coffeelicious,.

The Tao of Yummi is a serial conscious cartoon strip about finding your way to the delightful and unexpected through purpose and mindfulness. If you’re living into purpose and mindful in the moment, you’ll open to the infinite love, inspiration and creativity that is already yours. If you’re into bringing Serendipity to life, please click some love below!



Yummi Delish a.k.a. Jeff Nelder
The Coffeelicious

…talkin' 'bout purpose, mindfulness & Serendipity. We are all essential expressions of the Universe. This is your authentic Self. Welcome friends!