Review: From the Marrow #79

Leah Angstman
The Coil
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2016

John Berbrich, ed.
Catalog, Reviews
2 pages
8 ½” x 11” photocopied
Available HERE
Russell, New York
Review originally published on 9/3/10

This is John Berbrich’s leaflet of reviews and catalogued items from MuscleHead Press/BoneWorld Publishing. Berbrich gives quick paragraph reviews to books and zines he’s received in an honest way in the true spirit of the small press: passing on the word. This particular issue contains a review of one of Alternating Current’s books, Billy and Cindy by Stephanie Hiteshew and Dave Church, so we certainly appreciate the exposure and have to extend a thanks to anyone who is willing to distribute (and free, I believe, with each item purchased from their press, or probably just for the asking, as well) reviews to keep the independent press alive and to give light to all the publications that the reader/writer might not know yet.

On the back side is a catalog of chapbooks from MuscleHead Press, including some real gems by Errol Miller (Where did he go these days?), Giovanni Malito (R.I.P.), Michael Kriesel, Robin Merrill, Joseph Verrilli, Don Winter (pseudo-R.I.P.), Stephanie Hiteshew, and Berbrich, himself (of course, among others). Do check it out and support the independent press.



Leah Angstman
The Coil

Historian, The Coil & Alternating Current editor-in-chief, book nerd, author of OUT FRONT THE FOLLOWING SEA (Regal House, Jan 2022).